Virtual Bookkeeping Assistant

Early on in your company, you might have been able to manage to keep track of what was going on and the progress of your business. But as you grew, things got a little more difficult. As everything gets more complicated and your day-to-day tasks grow bigger, it might be hard to remember the number of tasks that you have taken up. Companies need help managing their day-to-day tasks when they get bigger.

In many cases, small businesses might choose not to hire a full-time bookkeeper because of their budget. Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants can be just what your company needs. It can provide you with a number of services, from keeping financial records and generating business reports. You can also set it up so that the virtual assistant works remotely while you are working on your business.

Even if a business doesn’t have the resources to hire a full-time bookkeeper, they don’t have to lose out on keeping track of their finances and doing payroll by using a virtual bookkeeping assistant.

What is a Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant?

Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants are digital assistants that help with day-to-day bookkeeping tasks like organizing meetings, scheduling and sending out meeting invites, and managing expense reports.

Who Should Hire Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants?

Many people see the benefits of getting help from a Virtual Bookkeeping Assistant. There are many reasons to hire one and some include the: –

  • Use them to do the same work that you could do before, so you won’t need to hire more employees or work harder yourself.
  •  Decrease your workload while staying on top of things without having to pay someone else.
  •  Reduce stress and take your mind off business problems by staying focused on something else.
  • Grow your business with increased efficiency, productivity, and more time for yourself

What Tasks Can a Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants Handle?

Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants are becoming a norm and this is seen as a sign of advancement in technology. These assistants can be used to manage accounting tasks, and at the same time, provide support to bookkeepers by handling their tasks. For businesses that want to run efficiently, virtual bookkeeping assistants can be an asset that they rely on. They are kind of like an extra pair of hands or eyes that provide assistance when needed. The following are the prominent features that virtual assistants possess:-

  • They can be used in a variety of ways such as being an agency client, managing your own books, and generating reports.
  • They are also able to perform tasks like data entry, bookkeeping, sending out invoices or payments for you, and more.
  • Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants aim at simplifying the process of creating, sourcing, and printing out invoices by eliminating the need for manual data entry. They also help create reports on inventory levels and profitability.
  • They are perfect for handling payroll processing and they can take care of all leave, sick leaves, and advances in one go. They can also help with other HR tasks and real-time real time updates to managing directors as well as human resource managers.
  • They provide advice on how to manage money as well as scheduling and forecasting in order to build financial plans for clients based on their needs.

Cost Savings with Virtual Bookkeepers Assistant

Virtual Bookkeepers

  • Hiring a full-time bookkeeper can prove to be an expensive venture for small business owners. It becomes even more expensive when you pay them on an hourly basis. In addition, you’ll also have to cover extra expenses such as insurance, holiday bonuses and paid holidays. Virtual assistants help you make your life simpler and less stressful, they are just hired for hourly wages and as such, the cost of their services is based on the number of hours they work.
  • Virtual Bookkeepers are directly connected to their employers and are able to access their work environment with complete transparency.
  • With the assistance of Virtual Bookkeepers, businesses can eliminate their front-office staff to cut costs and lower their costs over time. These workers have been shown to have a very high rate of success in ensuring that companies stay within their budgets and are able to achieve their goals.

Time Savings with a Virtual Bookkeeping Assistant

  • With the help of Virtual Bookkeeping Assistants, businesses and small businesses can save time by not having to worry about their accounts and being able to focus on their core business.
  • They can help you manage your income and expenditures, as well as calculate your tax liabilities. So, you no longer need to waste time on these tedious tasks. You can use this virtual assistant to make better use of your time and generate more revenue for the company.
  • With Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants, you get to choose how much time they spend working for you and even set the hours of work based on your needs. A virtual assistant can be with you for 8 hours a day, or just 4 hours. This is all up to you. You can also choose what type of tasks a virtual assistant will do for you, whether it be scheduling, personal tasks, or regular cleaning duties.
  • When it comes to finances, most of us don’t have the expertise. This is where a Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants expert can come in and take the headache out of things.

Final Verdict

The Bookkeeping Virtual Assistants marketplace is rapidly growing due to the increasing demand for highly-skilled workers at a lower cost. The marketplaces are very different in terms of features, payment models, and support systems. The marketplaces with the highest number of dedicated workers have a commission-based model while those with fewer skilled workers have a flat-rate pricing model. With the virtual assistant marketplace booming, it is important to know what service exactly you are looking for in order to find the best provider for your needs.

Hiring a Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant can also be beneficial for your career growth. At Nextgen Virtual Hub, we have a unique process for selecting the best candidates for our clients. We start with a screening process to filter out candidates who are capable of handling big projects. Then we narrow down our list of the top 1% to 10 people and interview them face-to-face before hiring them.

Our way of doing things is different from other virtual assistant agencies in the market as it helps us hire only high-quality talent that has shown they can handle long-term projects and give clients peace of mind.

Also Read: How Do Virtual Assistants Support Your Business?